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Take the Healing Walks Challenge

Access the Transformative Power of Walking

It’s simple – just take 3 walks designed to help you heal. We’ll guide you every step of the way.

I'm Ready For This!

Feeling lost, exhausted or simply just a little worn? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve designed a simple challenge to get you started on a life-transforming journey of walking to heal.

Did you know that walking can boost your immune function or that walking can make you a more creative thinker? Those are only a few examples of how a simple walking practice can help you mend & create a happier life.

This free challenge is designed to help you learn how to use walking as a tool for healing.   Over the course of 3 walks you’ll explore how nature can be an ally on your journey, how to use mindfulness to give yourself some relief from the pain you are feeling & how to tap into the power of gratitude to change your mindset.

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. – Rumi

How It Works

Thinking of joining us? Wonderful – the Healing Walks Challenge is a great way to kickstart your healing journey! All we ask is that you take 3 walks and approach them with an open mind and heart. You can take these walks wherever and whenever you would like (we keep it pretty simple around here).

What You Get When You Join

Guided Walks

You'll get 3 guided walks to help explore how walking can help you heal from the hard things in life.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
hands resting in flowers

Gratitude With Every Step

Start with a simple walk. Release expectations and just allow yourself to experience what comes.

Moments of Peace

Start with a simple walk. Release expectations and just allow yourself to experience what comes.
Tree in sunlit scene

In the Shelter of Trees

Start with a simple walk. Release expectations and just allow yourself to experience what comes.

Challenge FAQs

How long does the challenge last?

As long as you need it to. The Healing Walks Challenge does not have any timeline. You set your own pace. You can do them in 3 days, 3 months or 3 years! It’s up to you.

What is a walking prompt?

Think of a walking prompt as a tool you can use explore a theme that can help you work towards healing. Our walking prompts are designed to provide a topic or focus for the you to use on your walk. They encourage you to think, observe, or reflect on specific aspects of the walk’s theme.

Does the challenge cost anything?

No way! The challenge is absolutely free. We want to inspire as many people as possible to access the healing power of walking.

Where can I share photos and thoughts about my walks?

Sharing your photos and thoughts in our Facebook group is a great way to connect with other challenge takers.  You get free access to the group when you join the challenge.  You can also use the hashtag #HealingWalksChallenge on social media if you want to share them in a more public manner.

Do I get anything if I complete the challenge?

We’ve designed a special digital badge for everyone who completes the Healing Walks Challenge.  Once you’ve finished your walks, simply send us your info via the form in your challenge packet and we’ll email you your badge.  You can share it on social or simply keep it as a reminder of what you’ve accomplished.

Sign Up for the Healing Walks Challenge