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Fall Back In Love With Life After Loss

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Welcome to 100 Walks, a path of gentle healing for those seeking solace from the loss of a loved one or the end of a meaningful relationship. Here, each step is an invitation to mend, to rediscover the subtle joys of life through the simplicity of walking. 🌻

We tap into walking as a healing ritual, a moving meditation that shifts you from the haze of autopilot to a state of vivid presence. Rediscover gratitude and awe on familiar streets or quiet nature trails, finding tranquility and perspective with each mindful step. Let the earth beneath your feet remind you of life’s simple pleasures and the enduring strength within you. 🥾

100 Walks is more than a journey; it’s a heartfelt invitation to heal, reflect, and reconnect with the world’s beauty and the untapped wonders within you. Join us on this path, and together, let’s uncover the restorative powers of movement and the natural world—embracing life’s beauty, both around us and within. ☀️

Why Walk?

Walk to Deepen Your Connection to Nature

The wind teaches us lessons.  The sun-warmed earth can support us in our most challenging times. Walking gives us the ideal opportunity to grow our relationship with nature.

Walk to Foster Your Sense of Gratitude

Research has shown that cultivating gratitude can have incredible benefits for your sense of well-being.  We take an intentional approach to gratitude with every walk.

Walk to Practice Mindfulness

Walking itself creates the perfect space to practice mindfulness. We use tools like photography, writing & daydreaming to increase our awareness of what we experience on our walks.

A Step by Step Approach Reawakening to Life’s Beauty and Wonder

The Tools You Need to Access the Transformative Power of Walking